Monday, August 23, 2010


Tonight, I went to San Fransisco to visit my friends at SFSU. It's weird to see how they've been gone a week and how much they've changed ..or maybe how much I've changed. I can see my priorities and standards changing and how much our lives are going to differ after school starts. And even though I was with a group of people, I still felt so alone. Maybe it's just me and I'm one of those girls that are completely fine being by herself. I mean c'mon, after work the past couple of weeks I would just go home after work and watch the Harry Potter movies and I'm fine with that! I actually love days like that. So it kind of bugs me when my parents say I go out too much. False! But to think I was so upset at my parents for almost not letting me to to SF tonight.. I'm glad I went, so I can see the changes that me and my friends will be going through.

Today was also my friend's farewell, he's going to Kentucky on a mission and throughout all the talks today, it has kind of inspired me to maybe want to go on a mission. It's only for a year and a half and it's a great way to let more people know about the gospel that might need it in their life. It really touched me on how the General Authorities are inspired on where to send missionaries, it's not just a random drawing. It's places where they feel like that missionary would be most effective to the people around them in that area. The gospel has totally made me a happier and grateful person. I LOVE IT! :) And I'm totally able to be more happier and myself around other church members, I don't feel so artificial and that I don't have to "lower" my standards.

But today I was talking with my mom after church about how on LDS standards and worldly standards, I feel like 26 year old Mormons are super young, while 26 year old ..non Mormons seem super old and I can't help but think, "you should be married." And then my mom added, they also look older too haha, but it's because of all that partying. :/ I'm really glad I was born and raised in the church, I already know what my life would be like without the gospel in my life. And I can't wait till I'm at BYU-Hawaii, making friendships that will last a lifetime, not just the duration of high school.

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