Sunday, April 5, 2009


So I haven't really updated in awhile, because I've been using tumblr as well. Currently I'm sick and slept so much these past two days. Today sucked especially because this afternoon, I was so cold and then later after my shower I was so hot. Sweating so much and I felt like I was going to pass out. But I never realized how good Dove smells. I heart it :)
What sucks most about being sick is not being able to taste food. I just made this soup. But I don't know if it's good at all or not. :(
But I like Michael Buble's voice :) I just took the ACT yesterday and BOMBED it. :( agh I feel so unproductive this weeeeekend. Earlier today, I was watching this dvd on President Monson's life. His life was really inspiring and yeah :) A lot of stories in his life are soo good and really teaches how we should listen to the promptings of the Spirit. Thursday, I had my ASB interview. At the end they asked if I didn't get that position if I would still go for a fourth round position and I said probably. But now that I've thought about it, I don't think I would. Truthfully because I just don't think I can take that feeling of losing again. I don't think I've ever won at anything. And I've just gone through too much this past month or two. Eh. Good night!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I heart Dove too. I want to get their hair love. hope you feel better!